Title Work

Title Work | New Stanton, PA | Preferred Settlement Solutions, LLC | 724-635-3290

Down to the last detail.

Preferred Settlement Solutions, LLC can get you to the closing table quickly and confidently.

Title Work | New Stanton, PA | Preferred Settlement Solutions, LLC | 724-635-3290

Stay ahead of the curve with meticulous and accurate research

Our staff will leave no stone unturned to ensure that any and all discrepancies are found and fixed to ensure your closing goes through quickly. We also prepare all necessary and required documents and reports.

  • Deed preparation
  • Private Mortgages
  • Notes
  • Property report
  • 30-60 year searches
  • Judgement and lien searches
  • Bankruptcy searches
  • Child support and alimony searches
  • Property tax certifications

Documentation when you need it, every time

The last thing you need is for your closing to be delayed by something as simple as paperwork. With Preferred Settlement Solutions, LLC, all of your documents, forms, and reports will be ready and waiting.

Our on-site customer service agents expedite the process of obtaining hard copies of recorded documents.

Expedite your transaction with prompt title work.


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